
Looking For An Ayurvedic Remedy For Cough? Read These Useful Tips

  With the changing season, one needs to be careful of viral infections that cause stuffy nose, cough and cold amongst other symptoms. The children and the elderly are more likely to get sick when the seasons change. With precautions and some minor lifestyle changes such as washing hands regularly before eating or touching your eyes, nose or mouth, exercising regularly, wearing a mask when going outdoors, and eating a healthy home-cooked meal - you can lower your risk fo r colds. In addition to these, you can follow these useful ayurvedic remedies to stay away from seasonal sickness:  Turmeric tea : Having turmeric tea is an effective way to soothe a cough. The antibacterial properties of turmeric can be beneficial for improving persistent cough. While turmeric milk is a popular way to increase your turmeric intake, you can also sip turmeric tea. To make turmeric tea at home, boil 2 to 3 cups of water and add 1 teaspoon of turmeric. Strain the tea and sip the warm tea.  ...

10 Tips For A More Healthy Life With Ayurveda

  10 Tips For A More Healthy Life With Ayurveda: Ayurveda, the science of life, is more a way of life than a way to treat people. Prevention is far better than curing a disease according to Ayurveda. I will now share with you some tips that will help you lead a more healthier and better life. 1.  Have A Daily Routine Ayurveda suggests to have a daily routine and to stick with it. Sleeping and waking times are very crucial in Ayurveda. For example, the liver cleanses itself during the night (12 am to be exact) which during this time one should be fully asleep and is why Ayurveda recommends the time to sleep to be around 10 PM. Similarly, waking up should be around 6 AM. Eating at regular times should also be  adopted, this way the body and Agni (the digestive fire) work optimally and food will then be digested properly. 2. Eat Hot Food Make sure not to make your diet strictly raw. Eating a small salad as a side dish is ok. However, food itself should be...

Vamana (Panchakarma)

Vamana: Vaman is one of the five therapies of panchakarma in Ayurveda. Vaman means therapeutic vomiting which is a medicated emesis. This treatment is done for the aggravated kapha dosha, which dislodges the toxins mainly from the respiratory and gastrointestinal tract. This therapy is done for preventive & curative purposes. Ayurveda believes that different seasons have a great influence in the aggravation of doshas, ex: Kapha in Hemant (spring season), Pitta in Sharada (winter) season and Vata in Greeshma (summers) season. Hence one can adopt Vaman therapy in spring i.e. Hemant season as a preventive therapy in order to prevent disorders related to kapha. Vamana Karma: Part of Panchakarma Vamana karma works in many diseases. Besides this, Vamana can be done to manage health. This is part of the seasonal shodhana. In spring season- when kapha is on a surge. Vamana helps in bringing back the doshas in normal. So Vamana helps in cure as well as in prevention of diseases. Among all t...

Griva Basti Therapy - Panchakarma Therapy

  Griva Basti Therapy Griva Basti Therapy - Panchakarma Therapy The word Griva refers to neck and Basti stands for retaining something inside mainly medicated oil. It is an Ayurvedic neck care and basically a hot oil therapy. Griva Basti is bathing the neck region with medicated oil or freshly prepared herbal decoction. This Ayurvedic Basti Therapy does accurately oleation & sudation around the neck area at the same time. The word Griva Basti comes from Sanskrit.  The procedure does oleation and sudation around the neck region simultaneously. In today’s times people are getting more workaholic which involves a continuous and sitting position, more exposure to computers and lack of body movements, in such people the problems of the spine, muscles and skeletal tissues of neck and shoulder arise. Griva Basti addresses these issues effectively. Procedure: The person undergoing Griva Basti is made to lie face down on the massage table. The dough is prep...


Panchakarma includes five natural methods of purgation or elimination, giving the body an intensively detoxifying the body, while balancing the three doshas: Vata, Pitta and Kapha. Vamanam (Emesis Therapy or vomiting):  This process is well supervised at The Ayurvedic Healing Village, by highly trained therapists at our certified Panchakarma hospital. Vamanam is induced to eliminate Kapha, which causes the excess mucus. Congestion in the lungs causes repeated attacks of bronchitis, cold and cough. Vamanam is the best treatment for Kapha-related diseases, as well as chronic skin disease such as psoriasis. Virechanam (Purgation):  The elimination of toxic matter from the intestines by administering therapeutic purgation or a therapeutic laxative, Virechanam is an especially effective cure in cases of jaundice and hemorrhoids. Aasthaapana/Niruham:  An enema using quath or Kashaya Vasti and combating vata dominant disease, (Vata is dominant in the colon). Vasti involves the i...

5 Ways to Keep Your Digestive System Healthy

  5 Ways to Keep Your Digestive System Healthy Your digestive system has a major impact on how your body functions and your day-to-day life. From producing energy and absorbing nutrients to affecting your mood, there is good reason to keep your digestive system healthy. What is the digestive system? The function of the digestive system is digestion and  absorption . Digestion is the breakdown of food into small molecules, which are then absorbed into the body.  These organs include the digestive tract, liver, pancreas and gallbladder. The digestive tract consists of a long tube that spans from your mouth through the pharynx, esophagus, stomach and small intestine to the colon. What are signs of digestive problems? Experiencing digestive problems can happen to anyone. Common symptoms include cramps, bloating, gas and diarrhea or constipation. While these are not always a sign of something more serious, certain conditions like Irritable Bowel Syndrome, Diverticulitis, and C...

Healthy-Heart diet: steps to prevent heart disease

  Healthy-Heart diet: steps to prevent heart disease When people talk about heart disease, they are usually talking about coronary heart disease (CHD). It’s also called coronary artery disease (CAD). This is the most common type of heart disease. When someone has CHD, the coronary arteries (tubes) that take blood to the heart are narrow or blocked. This happens when cholesterol and fatty material, called plaque, build up inside the arteries. Plaque is caused by: Too much fat and cholesterol in the blood High blood pressure Smoking Too much sugar in the blood (diabetes) When plaque blocks an artery, it’s hard for blood to flow to the heart. A blocked artery can cause chest pain or a heart attack.  Heart disease is the leading cause of death for both men and women in the United States. Take steps today to lower your risk of heart disease. To help prevent heart disease, you can: Eat healthy. Get active. Stay at a healthy wei...